Private Schools and Universities - Ask about our educational discounts.

Why do so many Academic Institutions in and around Charlotte hire St. John Photography for their brochure and Website photography?  They want a photographer who REALLY knows kids.

St. John Photography understands how to set up a scene so that everyone is doing exactly what we want, and evoking the exact emotions we need for a particular shot.  For example - let's say we want a group of kids sitting on a hill to appear as if they are enjoying reading together, so... we ask one of the kids to read out loud to the group... but BACKWARDS!  We sit back with our camera and snap away as the kids laugh and crack each other up!  Just because kids are reading doesn't mean they have to look like they're bored out of their minds.

Enlarge some of the photos above, then give us a call to brainstorm what you need.  Schools and kids are what we do best!  704-889-7800